Album: "m(y)our world" available now! Music by Matt Young featuring guitarist Brad Kang AMP Trio Addison Frei - Piano Matt Young - Drums Perrin Grace - Bass Video Directed by Andy LaViolette of Mr. Magic Carpet Ride Productions Recorded in Denton, TX at Panhandle House Studios by Erik Herbst and Ethan Dorsett.
The Night Above Us, "EP vol. 2" *Available now* at: The Night Above Us Kelyn Crapp - guitar Jordan Gheen - keyboards Mike Luzecky - bass Matt Young - drums Recorded live at Laguna Studios in Denton, TX Recorded/Filmed/Edited by Cam Covello (Laguna Studios) Mixed by Matt Young
AMP Trio M(Y)OUR WORLD available Nov.
Album: "m(y)our world" available now! Music by Perrin Grace AMP Trio Addison Frei - Piano Matt Young - Drums Perrin Grace - Bass Video Directed by Andy LaViolette of Mr. Magic Carpet Ride Productions Recorded in Denton, TX at Panhandle House Studios by Erik Herbst and Ethan Dorsett.
Sky Window - Live @ The Abbey Underground - Denton, TX Jordan Gheen - Trumpet/Effects Spenser Liszt - Tenor Saxophone/Effects Brad Kang - Guitar Horace Bray - Guitar Mike Luzecky - Bass Matt Young - Drums Video - Andy Laviolette - Lights/Visuals - Adam Franks -
from Vol. 2
Perrin Grace, composer and bassist.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE ALBUM: Aaron Hedenstrom: Soprano Alyssa Hedenstrom: Vocals Ronan Delisle: Guitar Addison Frei: Piano Perrin Grace: Bass Matt Young: Drums Justin Heaverin: Percussion Connor Kent: Percussion Released on Shifting Paradigm Records (Minneapolis, MN) Erik Herbst (Panhandle House): Engineering, Mixing, and Mastering Patrick Peringer: Engineering Carol Chaves: Videography Aaron Hedenstrom is a Keilwerth Saxophone Artist.